Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book Review: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: The Real Deal

The Book: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: The Real Deal
Reviewer: Brittany Z.

Was it a good book? Yes. I’ve read chicken soup books and this one just fits the title “real deal”. Teens in my age group writing about their lives its interesting and to find stories that relate to me and my life it makes the book great.

Would you recommend it? Yes. Only if you love listening, well reading, other people’s lives and how they live.

What did you like about it? I like that each person has a story to tell whether it is short or long they have something to write about in their lives that happened.

What did you dislike? I don’t dislike the book. The only part I don’t like is that each chapter is similar and after a while the stories start to sound the same as one another.

Tell us your thoughts about the book. This book is great there are kids my age telling about their everyday lives and what they have gone through. I love that while reading I thought about my life, how I could relate to most of the stories. I could see myself while reading and having that in my head while I was reading was great to have and made the book all that more fun to read!!


  1. I DEFINETLY read this book because the first reason is its about teens life , second reason is that she hardly dislike the book , lastly is it sounds like it could give good tips out to anyone with problems .
    - Frances

  2. why you pick this book up in read it

  3. ive always wanted to pick up one of these books but its just really long, i may check it out now.

  4. This review was really good! I really enjoyed it, and I loved the book too!(:

  5. i like how it describes teens sound a really good book to read..i am ready to read this book:)

  6. This book review was helpful since I got to know what it is about and what type of book it is.

  7. GASP !. I read this the first few pages of this book last year and it didnt seem that good, but with all these details, it sounds great :)

  8. Vy: The informations you had was very useful, i can understand and would like to read this book, because it can teach me a lot of things aobut life.
