Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book Review: Jinx

The Book: Jinx by Meg Cabot
Reviewer: Alina G.

Was it a good book? Yes, it was a fantastic book! Meg Cabot (the author) writes other series like the Princess Diaries, The Mediator and several others.

Would you recommend it? Yes! This book is filled with a lot of mystery, romance, adventure and jokes about being in high school and having a lot of bad luck.

What did you like about it? I liked how the author had this mysterious older dude like Jinx, even though she was bad luck.

What did you dislike? I dislike how her own family didn’t even want to be near her because of her bad luck.

Tell us your thoughts about the book. I thought the book was AMAZING! I loved how she began the story with Jinx having sooo much bad luck before she even gets into the house of the Gardiners (her aunt and uncle’s house).


  1. i thought you oput alot of good information in it ill have to read this book

  2. Alina did awesome. this book sounds interesting. you included a lot of useful information. (: - Alexis

  3. HAREN !! :) Thanks :] and Thanks Joshyypooh

  4. Vy: The way you gave informations about this was very helpful to understand. You have a lot of usefull informations, and i would like to read this book.

  5. I love this review. I was really thinking about reading this book but didn't know if anyone had read it yet and didn't know what it was about. I love how you told that it has a lot of connections to do with high school life.
    -Brittany :)
