Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book Review: Mary, Bloody Mary

The Book: Mary, Bloody Mary by Carolyn Meyer
Reviewer: Joe P.

Was it a good book? It was a kind of a good book because the beginning was boring but when I was starting to go to the end of the book it was getting a little better.

Would you recommend it? It was a little romantic book because in the book they got married and the father had a baby with the mistress.

What did you like about it? Because when I read the book I knew it was a true book so that’s why I thought it was going to be a good book.

What did you dislike? I didn’t like the book because when I read it the book was kind of boring and there wasn’t that much going on in the book because I thought there was going to be more action in it.

Tell us your thoughts about the book. The story was a little sad because her father abandons her mother and then marries his mistress then has a child with her so Mary begins to lose faith in herself.


  1. i wouldnt read this book because theyres not enough details on the review , secondly they said it was boring , and lastly in the would you recommend it box it doesnt say yes or no .

  2. You did good telling me what the book ws about. I would like more detail though.

  3. i did hink you put enough information for me rto want to read it.

  4. this book sounds so intresting.i love it:)by:selina

  5. this is a good review. told me on why i should read this book thankyou very much

  6. i want to read it now, Great review
