Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book Review: The River

The Book: The River by Gary Paulsen
Reviewer: Kavrin M.

Was it a good book? Yes! Great writer- he writes in a way that the story is like a movie in my head. The way Gary Paulsen puts things in each of his books are great.

Would you recommend it? Yes! If you like adventure and not knowing what’s going to happen next so you have to keep reading on, this is the book for you.

What did you like about it? Everything! How Brian explains everything to how the food tasted when he was in the wild then how it tasted when he got back home. Basically I liked everything from beginning to end.

What did you dislike? I really didn’t like when they asked Brian to go to the wilderness again, after he almost died after being there the first time, but it left me wanting to keep reading and find out what’s going to happen next.

Tell us your thoughts about the book. It kind of sucks that I’ve finished the first and second book, but then again I’m ready to see what happens in the next series.


  1. this was a very good review and a couple of interesting facts, i think i want to read this book now:)-alexis

  2. Good review. Very interesting facts about the book. I would like to read it. It has everything it needs

  3. Your opinion on Brians choices seem logical and i agree that after almost dieing that would be a bad idea. Good review, though I wouldn't want to read it.

  4. this book seem like this will be good to read

  5. i think im going to read this book now .

  6. Vy: You said you like everything about this book from the beginning to the end, but can you please tell pacifically about this book.
