Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book Review: Tears of a Tiger

The Book: Tears of a Tiger by Sharon Draper
Reviewer: T'Shalla J.

Was it a good book? Yes, the author Sharon M. Draper is a wonderful writer. She writes about teens having problems and she is really makes you understand what’s happening.

Would you recommend it? Yes, I recommend this book to you. There is a lot of High School teen that you relate to, like: romance, drama and other emotions.

What did you like about it? How she talks about African Americans because you hardly find a book about African Americans.

What did you dislike? There is foul language sometimes.

Tell us your thoughts about the book. This story is very sad like the started to the end, so be prepared, and I hope you enjoy the book.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really liked how you told me about the high school tak of the book. It is always nice to hear a book that I can relate to in some way. I would recommend you writing your review then leave it for a few days then come back and read it. Some of your senteces don't make sence but I see what your saying still. Overall i would take what you said here and read the book.
    -Brittany :)

  3. i loved this review, I was just talking about reading this book and i definitely want to read it now-Alexis

  4. This book is verryyyy good. Shows the struggles of a true African American. I like it!

  5. why did you want to read this book?
    is it because of a tiger haha?

  6. My friends last name is Draper, i would read this book for that reason alone. And it's true there are not many books about African Americans and most books that involve African Americans are interesting because they have a lot of action.

  7. I really enjoyed this book review. You told us a lot about the book but not too much to give away anything. I would consider reading this book after reading your review. Good job!(:

  8. it sound like a good book to read for high school makes me feel like reading it and learn what

  9. This book seems really interesting. you did good. :) - Alexis

  10. i would read this book now , i actually was going to read but i didnt know about it , so now i am for sure going to read it.
