Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book Review: First Strike

The Book: First Strike by Jack Higgins
Reviewer: Trinidy B.

Is it a good book? Yes! It was very fast paced, never really a dull moment in the storyline.

Would you recommend this book? Yes! I would recommend it if you like a lot of action, adventure, and fighting.

What do you like about the book? Yes! There was a lot of action and that’s what I liked most about the book, it was great!

What do you dislike about the book? I liked everything about the book not anything wrong with it.

Tell us your thoughts about the book. I can’t wait to read the other books, they are great.


  1. You really didnt tell me much about what the book is about and what you like about it. If you tell more about the book and what it's about then theat would be great. You did good though.

  2. You saying how great this book is makes me want to read it too, just to enjoy the unique experience.

  3. ill defienetly have to read this book

  4. You didn't really say much upon this book other, that it was flawless,and you strongly enjoyed it, what parts of the story interested you? And what was the story line based on?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This book sounds pretty good i would have to read this

  7. this book report was good but i read the book and i think it was rather boring!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This book review was not very helpfull since i did not get to know about what is the book about.

  10. Great book not telling anything else you got to read it for yourself

  11. Vy: You said it was a good book a lot of action, but can you tell specific about why it is a good story?
